Wonder-Pul World, 3-channel video projection on cement block installation, dimensions variable, 2016 / Photo courtesy of SOMA
Wonder-Pul Life, installation view, SOMA Drawing Center, 2016 / Photo courtesy of SOMA
Wonder-Pul Life installation view, SOMA Drawing Center, 2016 / Photo courtesy of SOMA
무심한 풍경 Inadvertent Landscape, charcoal on canvas, 336.6x193.9cm, 2016
무심한 풍경 Inadvertent Landscape drawing installation view, SOMA Drawing Center, 2016
November 26th, 2017 - 20:58
I like it.
November 28th, 2017 - 19:14
Very interesting works, why do you use plants as an expression of your own vision? Is it a tribute to your school or is it closer to you?