Jeimin Kim Artist Homepage

2008 Botanopolis 식물도시

Solo show "Botanopolis" catalog cover, 2008

Solo show "Botanopolis" catalog cover, 2008


Gracious Plants Installation View, Gagallery, Seoul, 2008

Gracious Plants Installation View, Gagallery, Seoul, 2008

Gracious Plants 1 - Plantain - Even if trampled, it doesn't budge, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 1 - Plantain - Even if trampled, it doesn't budge, Korean ink on paper, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 2 - Nettles - No one fools with this rough, tough character, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 2 - Nettles - No one fools with this rough, tough character, Korean ink on paper, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 3 - Ddangbindae - Face down, flat on the ground, it struggles to survive with worldly wisdom, mixed media on paper, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 3 - Ddangbindae - Face down, flat on the ground, it struggles to survive with worldly wisdom, mixed media on paper, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 4 - Ignorant Bangdongsani even grows through asphalt, mixed media on paper, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 4 - Ignorant Bangdongsani even grows through asphalt, mixed media on paper, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 5 - Mable Leaf Pigweed - Putting all else aside, one must be tall, Korean ink on paper, 50x35cm

Gracious Plants 5 - Mable Leaf Pigweed - Putting all else aside, one must be tall, Korean ink on paper, 50x35cm

pp12_pulling on plant
pp15_desert_kung fu


Gaemangcho, mixed media on paper, 42x57.5cm, 2008

Gaemangcho, mixed media on paper, 42x57.5cm, 2008

사군자 직업편(梅): 관광레저업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Plum - Tourism and Leisure Industry, Korean paint on paper, 50x37cm

사군자 직업편(梅): 관광레저업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Plum - Tourism and Leisure Industry, Korean paint on paper, 50x37cm

사군자 직업편(蘭): 이벤트.광고업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Orchid - Events and Advertising Industry, mixed media on paper, 50x37cm

사군자 직업편(蘭): 이벤트.광고업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Orchid - Events and Advertising Industry, mixed media on paper, 50x37cm

사군자 직업편(菊): 장례업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Chrysanthemum - Funeral Industry, mixed media on paper, 50x37cm

사군자 직업편(菊): 장례업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Chrysanthemum - Funeral Industry, mixed media on paper, 50x37cm

사군자 직업편(竹): 무인 경비업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Bamboo - Unmanned Security Industry, mixed media on paper, 50x37cm

사군자 직업편(竹): 무인 경비업; Gracious Plants Occupations: Bamboo - Unmanned Security Industry, mixed media on paper, 50x37cm

철거반대 "We Oppose Redevelopment," mixed media on paper, 80x120cm, 2008

철거반대 "We Oppose Redevelopment," mixed media on paper, 80x120cm, 2008

격파단련 Scallion Kung-fu Training, water-soluble pencil on paper, 20x24.5cm

격파단련 Scallion Kung-fu Training, water-soluble pencil on paper, 20x24.5cm

Chin-up, mixed media on paper, 2008

Chin-up, mixed media on paper, 46.5x33cm, 2008

caption wide

Filed Away, gouache on paper, 80x60cm, 2008

Filed Away, gouache on paper, 80x60cm, 2008

You Have a Right to Remain Silent, watercolors on paper, 80x60cm, 2008

You Have a Right to Remain Silent, watercolors on paper, 80x60cm, 2008

Comments (2) Trackbacks (0)
  1. I love Gaemangcho! I am contemplating your wisdom Jei Min. It was so nice to have met you on Saturday in East Canton Ohio with your Aunt Sue! Sincerely Becky Thomas

  2. Thank you for your appreciation! It was nice to meet you too. Best wishes!

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