Jeimin Kim Artist Homepage

2013 White Paper on the Life of Weeds 잡초생활백서

잡초생활백서 White Paper on the Life of Weeds, 갤러리 버튼 Gallery Button, 2013

(Click on images for a larger view. 이미지를 클릭하면 확대된 그림을 볼 수 있습니다.)

42 Self Defense Techniques for Weeds, lithograph & watercolors, 100x70cm, 2013

42 Self Defense Techniques for Weeds 잡초비전 초식42, lithograph & watercolors, 100x75cm, 2013

Health Management Guide for Weeds 잡초건강관리교본, Korean ink & watercolors, 100x75cm, 2013

Health Management Guide for Weeds 잡초건강관리교본, Korean ink & watercolors, 100x75cm, 2013

잡초비전_초식42 (부분)

잡초비전_초식42 (부분)

I Call it Home 어디든 정붙이고 사는 곳이 집이다, etching, 40x35cm, 2013

I Call it Home 어디든 정붙이고 사는 곳이 집이다, etching, 40x35cm, 2013

Show Window 쇼 윈도우, etching, 40x35cm, 2013

Show Window 쇼 윈도우, etching, 40x35cm, 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to the Weeds in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2010-13

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to the Plants in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2010-13

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to the Plants in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to the Plants in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to Plants in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to Plants in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to Plants in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 Personal Illustrated Guide to Plants in Europe, digital print, 28x25.5cm, 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 (전체) Personal Illustrated Guide to Plants in Europe (installation view), 2013

개인화된 유럽식물도감 (전체) Personal Illustrated Guide to Plants in Europe (installation view), 2013


주객전도 Squatters, pencil & watercolors, 70x100cm, 2013

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